

PICS (Partnerships in Children’s Services) own and operate a number of IFA’s (Independent Fostering Agencies) who share a vision for building a brighter future for children in care. The agencies are Clifford House Fostering, Fosterplus, ISP and Orange Grove.

PICS believe that looked-after children deserve the same opportunities as those living with their birth family and have built a community of passionate and skilled foster carers who help them feel secure, develop and thrive. Together, they are transforming lives.

The situation

Keeping everything on brand can be difficult when you work across a number of different locations and a number of different people are involved. There is also a need for fast turnaround as requests for company stationery, foster carer recruitment material, posters, newsletters plus other communication tools and signage can be thick and fast when you are covering four services. 

The solution

We manage the production of the artwork in the various corporate styles ensuring everything is on brand and printed/delivered to where it needs to be. We’ve also worked on digital projects having recently developed a Carer Profile portal linked to the various websites for each of the services.  

The result

We receive many different requests from this client that usually result in us producing artwork, designing concepts or developing templates. The requests are many and varied but having dealt with the client over a number of years we draw on our past ideas to develop new ones. 

More to explore

Bring in the Army!

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GolfVantage Slider 5

Practice your putting…

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